<!-- TITLE: Access & Responsibilities --> <!-- SUBTITLE: Who has access to what and who is responsible for what --> # Access & Responsibilities This document lists the various systems / things that have limited access, and who has access to them. In some cases, where applicable, the main responsible person(s) are noted. # Bank Account * [Beka](/people/beka) * Iskandar (responsible) # Space Access ## Inner door key * Katherine * Lee * [r](/people/r) * [Matt](/people/matt) * [Trish](/people/trish) * [Iskandar](/people/iskandar) * [Beka](/people/beka) * [Sam](/people/sam) * Claire * Ryan * Lisa * Juan * Bernice * Cole * Elias * Kathryn * Vicky Dee * Kate * Kat * Joe * Banasidhe ## Gate key * Everyone with inner door key * Austin * Nick (Atmos) * Brooke * Charlie Jane * Kelly * Tiffany * Nick P (Noisebridge) * Step * Jonas * Dirk # IT / Systems / Infrastructure Email <sysadmins@queeriouslabs.com> with any questions etc... ## KeePass Password * [Beka](/people/beka) * [Sam](/people/sam) * [Matt](/people/matt) * [...] ## DNS (queeriouslabs.{com,net,org}) * [Beka](/people/beka) (private account) ## Twitter ([@QueeriousLabs](https://twitter.com/queeriouslabs)) * KeePass Users ## [Eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.com/o/queerious-labs-18856188791) * KeePass Users ## GitHub Org ([github.com/queeriouslabs](https://github.com/queeriouslabs)) * [Sam](/people/sam) (Owner) * [Beka](/people/beka) (Owner) * **[Matt](/people/matt) (Owner) (Responsible)** * [...] ## Discourse * **[r](/people/r) (responsible)** * [Beka](/people/beka) Note: discourse has been turned down ## Discord * Beka (responsible) * [...] ## GSuite ### Super Admins * [Sam](/people/sam) * [Beka](/people/beka) * **[r](/people/r) (responsible)** ### Groups Most access to various Google / GSuite resources are done through groups. * <members@queeriouslabs.com> ([view list](https://groups.google.com/a/queeriouslabs.com/forum/#!managemembers/members/members/active)) Main group (current list of “members”, to be updated when this is formalized), GSuite Admins can manage membership ### [GDrive Shared Folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_QCZv-4acFd6S1A7W_KDui0vN905UMyN?usp=sharing) * [Iskandar](/people/iskandar) (owner) * <members@queeriouslabs.com> (edit) ### Calendar: Queerious Labs Events * <members@queeriouslabs.com> (edit) ### Cloud Platform Project Our VPSs etc… are hosted on Google Cloud Platform under the project: Core Infrastructure (`onyx-glider-237821`) #### Owners ([manage](https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam?project=onyx-glider-237821)) * GSuite Admins * [Sam](/people/sam) * **[r](/people/r) (responsible)** #### Global SSH to All VMs ([manage](https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/metadata/sshKeys?project=onyx-glider-237821)) * [Sam](/people/sam) * [r](/people/r) #### VM: tachikoma ( ([manage](https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/instancesDetail/zones/us-west1-b/instances/tachikoma?project=onyx-glider-237821)) * Manage: * Cloud Platform Project Owners * SSH: * Global SSH * **[Matt](/people/matt) (responsible)**